Saturday, April 6, 2013

Respect the distance

Hard to believe that a month from today I will be running my first half marathon....YIKES!! It's coming up so quickly now...I'm excited, yet very scared at the same time. With only a month to go if there is one thing I've learned with all my training is...respect the distance.

What I mean is this....I have been running for almost 3 years now...just for fun and exercise at first. Then I began entering 5Ks...and at that point I was hooked. I got the bug so to speak. After running several 5K races the next step was to go a longer when a friend of mine approached me about doing a half marathon this Spring I was all over it. Couldn't wait to knock a new race distance off my bucket list....and then I began training. At first of course it was no problem...other than dealing with weather issues which I kind of took care of getting a walking pass at Kids America....but then the mileage started ramping up...the short runs started getting longer...the long runs started getting longer. And as many of you know I've been dealing with a little hip issue ever since I got to the 10 mile run. Right now I'm taking some supplements and doing Yoga stretches to help that...but I'll admit, I was a bit like, "Yea, I conquered the 10 mile...I got this." And then the hip issue started. I think it was the running angel politely telling me...not so fast sister....respect the distance

Since then I have taken some days off. Done stretching and cross training instead. Finally got out today for a longer run...not quite 8 miles. And it definitely wasn't fast miles to say the least. I felt pretty good, though not 100% yet. So all I can say now, just like my boys and scouts when they are near the campfire....respect the fire, a runner must respect the distance. Gone are the thoughts in my head of conquering all these races. Gone are the thoughts of...ok then after I do the half I'm gonna do a marathon and then maybe an ultra and then....yea...those thoughts are gone. At this point I'm not sure if I will ever do a marathon. My main goal at this point is just crossing that finish line for my half. I just want to cross that line and that is all. No crossing in an amazing time...I just want to cross. I am learning to respect the distance. 

If there is one thing I would do differently is to find a good plan and STICK TO IT! Who cares if you are only scheduled to do a 6 miler and you feel like doing overachieving. Just stick to the plan! Also I would find a plan geared for someone my age and maybe try to find others to run with that are in my similar race ability. If there is one thing I have truly learned during this half marathon training is that I definitely am no Spring chicken anymore. Something that may be easy for a 20 something definitely is not as easy for a 40 something. Again...respect the distance...respect the's all about respect....and leaving your pride behind.

On a positive note I got a massage at the wonderful Kreuter's Massotherapy this afternoon...and that was AMAZING! Wendy worked on my hip and legs and even did an IT band stretch on was heaven, not to mention my shoulders are no longer touching my ears anymore...OK I'm exaggerating, but it sure felt that way. I may have to get one of these done again before my half...or at least definitely after :)

So if you are gearing up to do some races this Spring or Summer, all I'm asking you to do is take a deep breath and learn to respect the training and the distance. If your body starts talking to you...listen to it! If you miss a training day or two...who cares. It's not going to make or break you....totally injuring yourself so you can't run at all will. 

So now get out there and respect the distance!!

Best wishes on your next run!

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