Tuesday, September 3, 2013

And the training continues??

Whirlwind (noun) 

1: a small rotating windstorm of limited extent
a : a confused rush : whirl <a whirlwind of meetings>
b : a violent or destructive force or agency

Mainly thinking of definition 2a here...yes my summer was quite the whirlwind and it's hard to believe that summer is unofficially over here in Ohio....the kids are back in school...we just celebrated the last BBQ holiday of the year...we celebrated with having a 90th birthday party for my grandma!! But now, it's time to get back to some sort of routine. Though I have to admit, though my kiddos have been back to school for almost 3 weeks now, it's still a little struggle getting back to some sort of routine....because my normal routine has changed. 
Normally I would do my weekday runs right before my kids got out of school. I would park at my youngest's elementary school, go for a run, my two older children would walk to the elementary, and we would all meet there in enough time to pick up the youngest. This year is a little different...youngest is in a new elementary school temporarily while they are finishing the construction of our new elementary school (which should be opening in October) so no need to park at his old elementary school...the two older boys get out a lot sooner than the youngest so now I have to back up my time to go for a decent run...which cuts into the time when hubby is home for lunch...oh the juggling woahs of a stay at home mom. So I have yet to come up with a decent time to run and honestly my juggling so far has not been very good. Last week I had to do my long run on a weekday...9 miles...well, I usually rest the day after a long run...but because of my schedule I knew I would have to do a short run the day after my long run...well...yea...did that...got that run in...unfortunately it was very hilly....I know, not very smart of me....and I was cutting it close on time...another not-so-smart move, and I was trying to run a little faster in order to pick up my boys on time so I wouldn't have to hear them complain how they had to wait on me...yea...strike three...I'm out. Ended up pulling a muscle in my leg I think and have been down from running since...though I went for a walk/light jog last night and seemed ok...definitely nothing great, but no pains. So I'm hoping to do a short run today to see how it goes. Though I like the freedom and spontaneity of summer, it really throws one off when you're training for a big race. I'll be honest...I'm worried about this one. Not sure I'm gonna even get close to the time I did at the Capital City Half. With only a month left to train I think I'm going to have to change my focus to just getting across the finish line...no PRs, no great and amazing finish times...just get across that line. And for me that makes me a little sad...I'm one who like to do their best. I like to improve and do better each time. But sometimes life gets in the way, and let me tell you...if there is one thing that God has truly been showing me lately is to be flexible...especially with my time. Unfortunately runs don't always happen like I want them to, when I want them to, or as long as I want them to go. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they are, brush off your shoulders and move on. 
So that's that. Though I'm really hoping my last month of training goes a lot smoother than the past couple months. I have been working in a few more cross-training workouts which I think will help. At least I hope so.
Here's to hoping that the next 30 days are better!

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